Former Actor Uses TV to Bridge Labels in High School
By Brad Kovach
Topics Newspapers
Born and raised in Washington Township, Blair Karsch wants to give something back.
Karsh, 37, attended North Central High School where he was out going, involved and breaking the norms as a student. “I was pretty much like I am now.” Karsch said. “Labels were around then, but I crossed them. I hung out with the hippies, preppies and jocks.”
Always a “doer,” Karsch was involved in several after school activities, notably tennis and student council.
Karsch found inspiration in the alternative learning program and the career center at North Central.
“These were hands-on people, people who where real, people who were applying themselves to the outer world,” said Karsch.
Karsch decided he wanted to study “something relevant to the world.” With this in mind, he enrolled at Indiana University to study political science.
After graduating from Indiana University with a degree in political science, Karsch moved to Los Angeles to chase a new dream, acting.
“I was on ‘Dynasty,’ ‘Dallas,’ ‘The Love Boat.’ I was an extra and I had some speaking parts,” he said.
However, he soon grew dissatisfied with the actor’s lifestyle.
“I was getting up at six in the morning and playing cops and robbers or drinking fake beer and eating peanuts. It didn’t offer me the depth,” said Karsch. “My soul searchs for depth. This is what I wanted.”
Karsch wants his students to search for and find the depth within themselves.
“I don’t want to sound like a preacher, but I believe in 30 minutes I could casually share with these kids that there are other perspectives. I want to let them share with me what’s going on. I also want the kids to have the guts to tell me I’m wrong.
“I want resolution. I want conclusion. I don’t want to exploit kids; I want to be honest. That’s why I’ve worked for $45 a day for two years. I just want to share my struggle for honesty through writing, through television, through media. Get it to the people,” said Karsch.
“I don’t want to believe that kids are crying out for help. But, I do believe that there are ramifications to divorce, the media and fast-paced living. Someone has to replace these things. The media is such a cool movement and its so available. Somehow, some way, I’d like to be a part of the media opportunity,” he said.
“Sometimes, as young kids, their opinions are not so well grounded and founded. That’s all right. I just want them to understand that some of the choices they make now may effect the rest of their lives.”